Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto
at Saint Joseph’s Church in Collingdale
Footage of the Grotto at Lourdes where Our Lady appeared to Saint Bernadette

O u r H i s t o r i c S h r i n e
t o
O u r L a d y o f L o u r d e s
A Testimony to Conversion
The Grotto in the convent gardens was built from personal funds of Father Gromoll, our first pastor (1916 - 1946). Father commissioned the Grotto in honor of his conversion to the Catholic faith.
Being an ardent devotee of Our Blessed Lady, Father Gromoll made many visits to Lourdes; he was also present at the canonization of Saint Bernadette. Father became friendly with one of the caretakers of the Grotto at Lourdes. This gentleman’s name was Jon; Jon told Father that, as a young man, he was part of the throng that accompanied St. Bernadette to the Grotto during the period of the Apparitions.
Pay a Visit to Our Lady…
The intercession and benevolent presence of Our Lady of Lourdes remains a potent force awaiting any pilgrim’s request for assistance. A brief visit and a simple prayer may resolve the most complex situation or provide a solution to the most difficult problem. Under Our Lady’s protection a sense of solitude and a feeling of well-being envelop even the casual visitor to the Grotto.
Make a point to visit the Grotto as frequently as possible in the future. Our Lady is a person with powerful connections!
The Final Resting Place of Father Gromoll
In accordance with his final wishes, Father Gromoll is buried in a crypt in the shadow of the Grotto. Father wanted the physical remains of his time on earth to be close to the person he strove to be close to in Heaven.