Our Mission Statement

“We the sons and daughters of Saint Joseph parish in Delaware County, filled with the Holy Spirit and the love of God, seek to make disciples of Jesus the Christ. We humbly walk the holy road of faith with God as Our Father by the works of charity, prayer, and penance. Our parish family shares resources with the poor, sick, homeless, and lonely to bring comfort to them in their affliction.
We shine the light of fidelity in a world of fragile peace and broken promises to reflect Jesus Christ in the people we serve at home and abroad. We pray in a world that has lost hope through the sin of indifference. May we be the salt of the earth through the intercession and protection of Saint Joseph and his spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
— The Mission Statement of Saint Joseph’s Church in Collingdale
Pope Benedict XVI has said that indifference is the “new apostacy of our times.” Put simply, he means that the rejection of Christ today is not by an open statement or actual words but it is in our actions. So many today are either non-believers or lapsed Catholics where faith has become stagnant. With fresh ideas and renewed zeal, St. Joe’s hopes to reignite the embers of faith.
While many archdiocesan, national, and international charities make requests of our parish, we must not forget the needs of our local friends and families. Without overtaxing our funds and resources, St. Joe’s will do all in the Spirit of the Gospel to witness to the mercy of Jesus Christ.
Through prayer, liturgy, and catechesis, St. Joe’s will help to dispel the darkness. St. John’s gospel tells us that the light came into the darkness. Jesus Christ is that light. Despite modern technology, there is so much misinformation about Jesus Christ, the Church, sacraments, and the moral teachings of our faith. St. Joseph, who taught the child Jesus, will inspire us to shine the light of truth to dispel the fog and darkness of our times.